<Software Engineer/>

Sebastian Coronado

Hello my name is Sebastian, I'm a 18 year old full stack dev who is currently majoring in Computer Engineering.

<About Me/>

Who is Sebastian?

Hey! My name is Sebastian and I love creating fascinating and innovative applications. Because of the previously stated reasons, I have as strong inclination towards being a web developer, and I try to reinvent myself each day.


The skills I usually use to bring projects to life


A few projects I've made on my own


Talkanger is a webapp that connects you to other people with different room numbers. This website was created using websockets for real time connection.

Poland Timer

A personal website with a regressing countdown, the website also contains a clean ui that fits the theme. The design was built using Figma.

FEED Website

FEED is a fullstack webapp designed so that people in the IT department can commune. FEED takes inspiration from apps like DEV.to and Instagram.

<Contact Me/>

Always active for different types of jobs, I'm just one click away.

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